Important! All Product Prices Include Shipping

6 common questions|Delivery & Warranty of Green Mount

Q1: How long does it take for my item to be delivered?

A1: For all GREEN MOUNT water nozzles, wands and soaker hoses it usually takes up 5 to 7 days to deliver.

Q2: Where can these garden supplies deliver to?

A2: Only in USA now. It doesn’t include Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Hawaii or Alaska.

Q3: How long is the warranty of these garden watering supplies?

A3:  All GREEN MOUNT products have 12-Month  warranty. Please show us the purchase order and a short description of the issue in order to exchange the products

Q4: What’s the delivery method of the GREEN MOUNT products?

A4: Currently we only use Amazon fulfillment service to deliver GREEN MOUNT packages.

Q5: How do I return a GREEN MOUNT product?

A5: Please contact us by e-mail for detail instructions. If you would like to return any watering supplies, do not return to the address on the package directly, and we will not be able to process your return successfully.

Q6: How to contact the company?

A6: If you have any questions about GREEN MOUNT watering nozzles, soaker hoses and/or any other products, please contact us or via our e-mail address:

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